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The Corps

"Everybody Works, Everybody Fights"

Our Story

Prise de Fer traces is origins as a gaming community back to the release of Planetside 2 in 2012. While under a different name at the time, the group's structure and membership has largely remained the same over the years. Over time the group migrated to EVE Online, forging its place in New Eden as a PvP alliance that inhabited some of the most dangerous and hotly contested territory in the game, wormhole space. Finally, Prise de Fer was formally created as an org in Star Citizen in 2017, and has grown ever since. 

Our Culture

We are a PvP corps. We believe that the best content you can enjoy is that of your own making. Our Corps is built upon the idea that everyone has something positive to contribute, and that everyone will contribute something positive. Like storied troopers of famous science fiction, in our Corps "Everybody works and everybody fights". Our membership, from Corps CEO down to the newest recruit, play together, fight together, and support each other in everything we do. We do not require mastery of every morsel of knowledge and mechanic of the games we play, but we expect that everyone have the ability and knowhow to step up if called upon. We have fun when we are good at what we do, and we do well because we enjoy what we do.

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